> 春节2024 > 你几号过年呀英文




When does the Spring Festival begin? The Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, starts on the first day of the lunar calendar\'s January. It is a significant traditional festival in China.

【New Year\'s day is when?】

What day is New Year\'s Day? New Year\'s Day falls on January 1st. It is the first day of the Gregorian calendar and is celebrated worldwide as the beginning of the new year.


When is the Spring Festival in 2021? The Spring Festival in 2021 is on February 12th. In China, it is commonly referred to as the Lunar New Year and is celebrated with various customs and traditions.


I had an amazing winter holiday! My parents and I decided to travel to Hainan by air. It was a pleasant experience, and we enjoyed exploring the beautiful island and its attractions. The weather was great, and we had a relaxing time together.


When is the Spring Festival celebrated? The Spring Festival is typically celebrated during the lunar calendar\'s first month. It usually falls between late January and late February. It is a time for family gatherings, delicious food, and various festivities.


1. Are you about to finish work?
2. We have a continuous 7-day holiday for the Chinese New Year.
3. We have a 3-day holiday for National Day.
4. How was your vacation during the Spring Festival?


Did you watch TV last week? No, I didn\'t have the chance to. Did he dress up for Halloween? Yes, he did. He had a great time with his costume.

【春节用英语怎么说?是NEW YEAR吗?】

How do you say \"Spring Festival\" in English? The Spring Festival is commonly referred to as the Chinese New Year. It is not the same as New Year\'s Day, which specifically refers to January 1st in the Gregorian calendar.

星期一, 星期二, 星期三, 星期四, 星期五, 星期六, 星期日。用英语怎么说】

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.


Here are the English words for some traditional Chinese festivals:
- Spring Festival (春节)
- Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节)
- Dragon Boat Festival (端午节)
- Double Seventh Festival (七夕节)
